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Gamespot: Video interview designer TR: Underworld

Posted: 07 Mar 2008, 19:22
by Blín D'ñero
Interview with Bill Beacham (External Designer at Eidos)
"We listen tom people, what they want"
"We are bringing back some of the characters from Legend in their support function, but it's certainly scaled down from what you saw in previous games. We listen to what people say and we're constantly trying to make sure that we can offer people what each individual thinks of as their Tomb Raider experience. So for some people, ya, they want that sense of loneliness and isolation and hard-core puzzle-solving. Other people, to be honest, they haven't got the time or that's not what they're looking for in games.
We need to make games that can reach out and appeal to everyone."
Wrong. :( CD i tell you: do NOT try to appeal to everyone. :shakes: