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Tomb Raider: Underworld Interview 1

Posted: 07 Mar 2008, 19:39
by Blín D'ñero Tomb Raider: Underworld Interview 1 with Kathryn Clements (Senior Brand Manager)
"The weather will be synonymous with the location that Lara finds herself in and it's also used a lot as well to convey the mood of the environment"
Lara's personality is not going to change, but because of the tech the guys have got now and everything they can do with the next gen hardware, they're actually able to communicate Lara's personality a lot better... So you are going to see a much more three-dimensional character the way that she can express and the way that she responds to the environment and things that happen to her... same old Lara, she's just realised in a lot bigger, better way"